Casino terms dictionary

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However, Dummett prefers to restrict 'announcement' for the intention to achieve certain feats in play, while preferring 'declaration' for a statement that one has a special combination of cards in one's hand. Often used in both senses of declaration.

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alone Playing without the help of a partner. Prop and Cop in Solo Whist or the normal game in Schafkopf). alliance A temporary partnership that lasts only for the current deal or hand (e.g. age Order of priority for leading, betting or bidding, starting from the player next to the dealer. an adverse lead is one made by an opponent adverse trumps are those held by one's opponent(s). adverse Pertaining to an adversary or opponent e.g. Īdversary Any opposing player, especially in two-hand games, or an opponent of the declarer. is not sitting out because there are more players than the game is designed for as in four-hand Skat or five-hand Schafkopf). Suit of Acorns Acorns One of the four suits in a German-suited pack of cards. Usually the highest card of a suit, ranking immediately above the King.

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